Latest Past Events
Summer Well
Summer Well is an indie-centric music festival in Buftea, a town just outside the Romanian capital Bucharest. Held deep inside woodland, on the grounds on a historical palace and beside a lake, this scenic getaway weekend comes compete with multiple stages, art installations and copious amounts of food and drink stalls, all scattered amongst theContinue reading
2022 was about greatness, pure magic, togetherness and magical friendships. We lived into Luna’s Priestesses, protected by the black magic. In 2021 the Temple of Luna had been built. It was the year when we learnt to live life at its fullest. The everyday life became a dystopia, as we lived a truly real-life fantasyContinue reading
SAGA Festival 2024
Cea de-a patra ediție SAGA Festival va avea loc în perioada 5-7 iulie 2024. Locul de desfășurare încă nu a fost comunicat. Prima și cea de-a treia ediție au avut loc la Romaero, iar cea de-a doua la Arena Națională. Organizatorii vor reveni cu mai multe detalii în perioada următoare.